If you are not aware of these points you might get stuck soon and lose your motivation, so be sure to read this article thoroughly and maybe print it out. Also discuss these matters with your manufacturer thoroughly, so you don't waste your effort and money into a design of a garage door which is impossible or just stupid to realize. Also you have to be sure that your design is actually possible in your own budget.
If you take the most expensive hardwood and want a double door, very large garage door this probably won't work out as you will have to pay a lot of money for just a door of your garage and you might not be able to afford it. This would result in you having wasted your time with your garage Door Designs for Home, which simply won't work out with your budget.
If you take the most expensive hardwood and want a double door, very large garage door this probably won't work out as you will have to pay a lot of money for just a door of your garage and you might not be able to afford it. This would result in you having wasted your time with your garage Door Designs for Home, which simply won't work out with your budget.